Short Term Goals

Using I am able to objectively see my debt.

One of the most asked questions at a job interview is, " Where do you see yourself in five years?" And many of us go into this question flying by the seat of our pants. For the past several years, even in my own life, I've been flying by the seat of my pants, at least fiscally. I am the kind of person who is very ambitious and am constantly seeking different entrepreneurial ideas and potential business opportunities, and no I'm not talking about AmWay or Mary Kay. Recently I've realized that one of the major things in the way of starting a new business and achieving my potential is the 100-pound monkey on my back... my student debt. Currently the sum of all my student debt totals...$54,975.42! The payments for the debt are manageable and life is not miserable but having such a large amount of debt is straining both mentally and spiritually; not to mention the strain on a marriage. Being able to tackle such a large amount of debt is no small task and leads to my short term goals.

When developing goals, it has been said that they should be large enough to be difficult to obtain but easy enough to actually be obtainable. What follows is my list of my short term goals (5-10 years).
Short term Goals:
  1. Pay off student loan debt within 5 years.
  2. Pay off investment home mortgage within 10 years.
  3. Begin saving for the purchase of a house.
  4. Learn a new skill - Computer programming
  5. Develop and refine business ideas
Goals are instrumental for success in any endeavor. Within our household these goals will guide us toward success but not without large sacrifices. I will continue to update this blog with the ways, methods, and strategies that we utilize to achieve our short term goals.

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